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When Should You Consider a Career Change?

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6 Signs You Should Consider a Career Change

In every job, there come moments of both satisfaction and, conversely, discontent. Yet, discerning between minor setbacks and profound issues presents a challenge. How do you distinguish between occasional hurdles and signs indicating it's time for a change? This blog will outline various warning signs for job dissatisfaction, and the steps you can take to begin your career transition.


Feeling stuck and unmotivated:

One of the clearest signals that it's time for a career change is when we feel stuck in a rut, lacking the motivation and enthusiasm we once felt for our work. This repetitive, motiveless cycle can lead to feelings of frustration and lethargy as you begin to desire a sense of fulfillment in which you are not receiving in your current role. When the days start blending together, and the passion for the role begins to dwindle, it may be a sign that you’re no longer in the right place. Recognising these signs of stagnation is the first step towards revitalising your professional energy and daily motivation.


Persistent stress and burnout:

The weight of chronic stress and burnout can take a profound toll on both our mental and physical wellbeing, which infiltrates every facet of our lives. When the relentless demand of our job leaves us drained, irritable, and overwhelmed, it serves as a clear sign that our current career trajectory may be unsustainable. At these crossroads, it becomes imperative to pause, reflect, and reassess our career path by considering the physical, mental, and emotional toll it is having on our body. Making deliberate and thoughtful choices to safeguard our health and prioritise well-being is a large step in the right direction towards a new role.


Lack of career growth and development and desire for a new challenge:

Lack of career growth and development often leads to feeling stuck in a professional plateau. When opportunities for advancement are limited, it's natural to crave new challenges and opportunities. Seeking roles that offer growth can reignite your passion for learning and align with your ambitions. Our innate drive for growth propels us forward, and when we desire new opportunities beyond our current role, it's a sign that change may be needed. Whether it's exploring a different industry or developing new skills, these desires signify evolving aspirations in our careers.

Misalignment with personal values and goals:

Our careers should be more than just a means to earn a living; they should reflect our core values, passions, and long-term aspirations. When we find ourselves in a job that no longer resonates with our values or supports our goals, it can create a profound sense of disconnection and dissatisfaction. Whether it's a mismatch in company culture, ethical conflicts, or simply a lack of alignment with our personal aspirations, feeling out of sync with our work can be a clear indication that it's time for a change. Embracing new opportunities that better align with who we are and what we hope to achieve in our careers can lead to greater fulfillment and a renewed sense of purpose.

Decline in performance and engagement:

A decline in performance and engagement at work can be more than just a temporary slump; it can signal deeper dissatisfaction with our current roles. When tasks that once sparked our enthusiasm now feel mundane, and projects that used to energise us leave us feeling drained, it's crucial to pay attention to these signals. Perhaps you find yourself procrastinating more often, or you're simply going through the motions without the same level of dedication. Reflecting on which aspects of your work no longer resonate with you can provide valuable insights into whether a career change might be necessary.


External factors influencing decision:

External factors such as company restructuring, industry trends, or changes in the economy can also play a significant role in our decision to pursue a career shift. It's essential to consider how these external factors may impact our long-term career prospects and whether it's time to pivot in response to changing circumstances. Staying attuned to industry developments and economic trends helps us anticipate potential shifts in our field and proactively position ourselves for success. This may involve acquiring new skills, exploring alternative career paths, or seeking opportunities in more resilient sectors.


Recognising the signs of needing a career change is the first step to regaining control and finding fulfillment. By listening to these signals and exploring new opportunities, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, aligning our career with our aspirations. It's never too late to pursue your dreams and chart a new course.

Read our blog " The Mid-Year Career Question: Should I Stay or Should I Go?" for more insights on changing careers and preparation tips.