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The Value Of Upskilling

Sc Office 014

Continued learning for all employees is highly important. Not only does it keep your employees feeling valued and productive, but it adds value to the overall business, aiding in staff retention, motivation, and efficiencies.

But how can employers help upskill their employees? A great place to start is knowing that upskilling needs to happen both inside and outside of the workplace.

A few ways you can help your employees upskill:

  • Include an upskilling development objective within the annual review process for employees.

  • Implement an internal buddy system or mentoring programme that facilitates, and pairs employees accordingly based on shared interests and/or developmental areas.

  • Allow your employees to dedicate at least one hour per week to develop their skills in whatever learning area they are committing to as part of their development plan. Either nominate a development course in line with the employee’s upskilling objective or have them research and identify a course.

  • Provide access to live events that are of an employee’s interest that can develop their knowledgeable skills.

  • Provide free access to books or online resources relevant to their development.

By helping your employees gain opportunities to upskill will not only benefit them and their mental well-being but will benefit your business by retaining employees and seeing better outcomes in their work and productivity.