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Set Yourself up for Success in 2022

Sc April2023 71

2022 is finally here and with the new year can come feelings of being overwhelmed and unsure about the year ahead. But how can one be best prepared for your new year start? How can you set yourself up for success and quell those feelings of anxiousness.

Below are some actionable steps to start taking:

1: Take the pressure off

The beginning of a new year is heaped with lots of pressure. From people claiming they will change all their bad habits to those who swear they will exercise every day. This mindset of needing to be better than ever before is overwhelming and a mindset that is almost impossible to hold up. So be kind to yourself and take on your tasks one at a time.

2: Set Achievable 2022 goals

This doesn’t mean just work goals, it can be any goals you are aiming to achieve in the year of 2022. Having any goals, big or small can help you to keep your eye looking forward and progressing towards being your best self at work and out of work.

3: Curate your morning routine

Morning routines are how you set yourself up for each day and making sure your morning routine is personalised and tailored to yourself is important. Setting tasks like always making your bed before you leave or setting aside 10 minutes to enjoy your coffee and some fresh air is a great way to give yourself a routine that makes the mornings feel less rushed and positive.

4: Surround yourself with the right people

Surrounding yourself with positive people in both your working and personal relationships will help you to achieve any goals you set for yourself. As they say, you are the amalgamation of the closest 5 people around you, so making sure your inner circle is personalised to bring out the best in you, can only help you to achieve success in 2022.

5: Ask for help

As simple as this tip is, it is often a tip overlooked. Many of us have been conditioned to try and figure everything out on our own which can lead us down holes of feeling overwhelmed and overworked. In 2022 make it priority to ask for help whenever you need it.

Whether it be help at work or help with personal situations, telling a manager or co-worker that you need some extra support will be the greatest step you can take to achieving all kinds of success. ​