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How to Secure Talent in a Candidate Short Market.

Sc April2023 15

According to recent SEEK insights, job security is now the number one most important factor for candidates, with salary, work-life balance, and career development trailing behind.

Despite economic recovery and a steep increase in advertised roles, candidates are reluctant 'jump ship' favouring job security in case of another COVID wave.
If you're currently looking to hire, we've outlined some important considerations below to help you secure the right talent in a tough, candidate short market.

  1. Conduct a succinct and speedy hiring process and ensure you have all your internal budgets and approvals in place to enable this.

  2. Adjust your expectations when hiring candidates in the current market.

  3. Communicate your organisations' financial strength when advertising to reassure potential candidates of future job security.

  4. Keep an open mind about internal restructuring based on skill sets to enable a quality candidate to fit within your team.

  5. Ensure your organisation has strong employer branding with a solid online presence.

  6. Make sure you have attractive work benefits (perks) to entice candidates.

Click here to connect with us for further insight into the current employment market and if you need assistance securing the right talent.